When Maddie’s son was three, he could completely recite the words from “Little Blue Truck.” When Kindal’s daughter was just a baby, she engaged with beautiful art. We both noticed the way our children responded to certain types of stories and art, and wished we had something that taught them all about Jesus Christ in that same connected way.

That’s when we knew we needed to create exactly that. Hours of Marco Polos have turned into our debut children’s book, and we remember well the day when we realized launching a book would mean launching a business. Neither of us had ever set out to do exactly that, but we HAVE set out to bring “Savior” to as many kids as possible, which meant taking step by steps out of our comfort zones to get there. Maddie is always up for writing some copy and Kindal loves to make anything beautifully designed, but we both had to stretch ourselves into more roles and figure out parts of starting a business that were outside our experience.
We built Lighten Print to be the home of our first book, but building this business has showed us just how much creating takes, and how much we’re willing to do to bring an idea to reality. Connecting with you over this project has been the best part of all the late nights and shaky steps into the unknown. We know that kids need “Savior,” and when we finally reached the point that little hands were holding our book, we felt immensely grateful that our efforts have been guided the way they have.
So THANK YOU for being here, for sharing our book with little people, and for appreciating the efforts that we’re figuring out day by day. We really love you!